Sunday, 14 September 2008


Ahoy campers!

I am a little tired this morning after staying up to late watching movies. After a mamouth six hour watch I decided to go and sit in the bar and watch a few DVD's with a glass of vino collapso. I must recommend Cloverfield. It has the usual horror silly mistakes - eg. don't run down dark tunnels when monsters are knockin' about, your mates are dead - why bother going to try and rescue them? etc. etc. But generally not a bad film. Ending is a bit poo but I look forward to what I expect will be numerous sequels. I then watched The Simpsons Movies, which although I had seen before was still quite good.

So instead of getting to bed at 2am I stumbled in at 5am, and had to be back up at 12pm. Oh well... I have done MUCH worse than that. I finish at four'ish and will be straight to bed. Sleepy, sleepy, bye, bye.

And should any of my friends be reading this, ofcourse I would come and rescue you, even if someone told me you were dead. Definitely.

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