Saturday, 27 September 2008

Shock! Horror! Two - Roy Strikes Back

Well I am quite proud of myself today.

After being up since 1am this morning (2-8 watch) then starting my stint in the command centre (HQ1) at 8 as Incident Board Manager I can't believe how well I did. Everything went really really well. I excelled!

Then when we had the debrief the senior FOST (Flag Officer Sea Training - 17th in line to the throne - more Royalty) highlighted the stars of the exercise and the other 2 were Senior Officers and then little old me. I couldn't believe it. I bet I will get some stick down the bar tonight!

Then to top it all of, when I have just came on watch he came upto the shack and told me I was an 'incredibly talented young man and a credit to the RFA and most importantly the ship!' He obviousbly down't know me that well! He then went onto explain he was amazed at my ability to liase with senior officers with confidence then pass loads of information around the ship quicly and most importantly correctly. He also mentioned he had made this clear to the Captain and that I have an extremely bright future if I continue this way.

I want some of whatever he is on!!!!!! Its put me in a really good mood actually. I was already really enjoying this trip and that has made it even better. But enough about me being brilliant.

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