Thursday, 18 September 2008

Sun is shinin', weather is sweet yeah!

Ere all!

Still bugger all happening here. I suppose I shouldn't complain, but it makes me feel better when I do. Its a hard life. A few hours a day sitting round on the internet, then in the sun, then in me bunk. Hard life indeed!

Its my night off tonight so I am going to have a few glasses of vino collapso down the bar. It would be rude not to. It really gets on my nerevs when people get time off and just sit in there cabins. Or when we are alongside and they get the day off and just sit in there cabins. They should be made to work or go ashore in my opinion. The problem is lots of people in the company are just to tight. The thought of having to spend a tenner ashore makes some of them physically sick. Some of them even work whilst on leave! Fools! Can you imagine it. 'Oh yes I am still getting paid, have 3 months off, but I know I will go and stack shelves in Lidl. Spend a little, live a lot eh?' Idiots.

I have just been eating a bagel and got it all over me. I need a bib. And a poo.

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