Saturday, 20 December 2008

We got to the Seychelles in one piece!

Yeah for RFA Disaster!

We arrived safe and sound at the Seychelles and are currently at anchor. Shore leave isn't granted till tomorrow which means we all have to stay onboard tonight knowing land is only a hop skip and a jump away. But I don't suppose it realy matters. What difference does a day make?

Its meant to be real expensive here, but with me being imune from the so called credit crunch it doens't really bother me. Come all the way to the Seychelles and not enjoy myslef? Never! Oh I am rather excited!

And on another exciting note - I only have 13 days to go. Hurah! I am really looking forward to coming home now - and how home will have changed. The city centre is completely different from when I was last home, hopefully that spider has gone, my home is currently being renovated and I have over three months leave to sample it all!

13 days to go...

1 comment:

SeyBay said...

Don't forget to check SeyBay