Monday, 1 December 2008

I was very ill yesterday

Oh dear, after y usual chinangins I was very very ill yesterday. Saturday started off so well. Me and one of the lads went down to the Bahrain Hard Rock Cafe and had a luvly meal and a few drinks. This however degnerated into my partying till 4 in the morning. Getting up at about twelve I thought I would brave the outside world and went ashore.

Big mistake.

Upon arriving at the Coffee Shop I immediately had to make the 10 yard dash to the loo's and then threw up, over and over and over again. Classy!

I stumbled back the ship about an hour later only to make numerous more phone calls on the porcelain telephone. I then lay in bed all night feeling very sorry for myself.

I feel ace today though so am going down the bar for one or two, before we sail for a few days. Back in port next week though. Where - nobody knows!

Be good everyone!

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