Saturday, 13 December 2008

Off we go again!

Not more work!

How rude!

I was expecting to be on a flight some time next week to the oasis of calm that is Liverpool. But nooooooooooo, the ship is desperately needed somewhere to support some other ship doing something. As ever I have to be incredibly vague, but where we are going is going to be ace for Xmas day on the beach and very warm. I am trying my hardest to whinge and wine about it, but its really going to be quite good. So instead of whinging and wineing, I will just drink lots of wine and whinge about the hangover the following day. Nice. I did get an email telling when I was due off the ship, but they don't seemed to have realised we will be at sea. I know they are trying to save money, but making me swim home is taking it a bit far. And what about all those sharks? Well I shouldn't really worry - I would only be good as a toothpick!

Had an ace time in my last port. Got to admit though it was real expensive with the dodgy exchange rate and not alot there, but me being me I can have a party in a fone box with no money! Glad to have left no though. I spent an absoulte fortune. Luckily I am not affected by the credit crunch, so continue to spend spend spend. It would be rude not to.

So as I continue to live the dream, it was announced today we are going to have a BBQ tomorrow on the upper deck. How nice. This usually involves copious amount of alcohol, dodgy BBQ food and a jolly good laugh. Luckily I am off aswell, so don't have to worry about stumbling back to work. Yeah for Roy!

I know its hard to believe from all the fone calls, emails and texts, but I do do some work every now and then. I just hide it well.

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