Thursday 18 December 2008

Another day in paradise

Ah the voyage of the damned contniues aplenty!

Another exciting day passed by with little much happening. I woke up this morning at about ten feeling rather good so decided I may aswell go and do another hour of sunbathing. Its starting to grow on me actually. I don't think I could sit on a beach doing it all day, but walking round the upper deck, with the sea breeze in your face is rather refreshing. As we approach the equator its getting rather warm, so I made sure I didn't stay out too long!

Off to my watch which entailed the usual nothing. And when I say its dead, I mean its dead. Deaderer than dead even. Much web browsing later I had my fire exercise to look forward to. Oh and what a joy it was to behold. Regular readers will will see that my previous efforts at these type of things usually end in either someones death, lots of lost people or me throwing up due to excessive amounts of alcohol the night before. Strangely none of these things happened and it went rather well. It must be cos I am coming home in a few weeks - or perhaps all that sun has gone to my head.

After that too the bar which was surprisingly busy. We are lucky if there are five people in there some nights! But no it was double figures last night. Crazy. We must get a bouncer on the door with one of those clicker things to make sure its safe - healf and safety you know! The bar looks very Christmasey now that I have decorated it (as Mess President its my responsibility to do these things) and we all got into the spirit of the night with a few drinks and some Xmas snacks.

Now I must remember when I am in work next...

1 comment:

Roy McNeil said...

We have just crossed the equator!