Tuesday, 30 December 2008
On a lighter note, in the bar last night I had placed a wager with one of the lads - who can grow the best moustache over four days. Now usually I wouldn't even go down that road, being 28 going on 12, but I think can win this one! This is gonna be fun.
God the things you do when you have nothing to do in the Seychelles...
Sunday, 28 December 2008
So bored...
I have been watching the new season of Family Guy, but that only took up a few hours which means I now have nothing at all to do. There isn't even anything happening up in the radio room! Oh god at least I only have 5 days of this eternal boredom left - then homeward bound for mega party!
My tan is coming along rather nicely though...!
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Not a lot to do...
Ahoy there from a sunny Seychelles!
With Christmas only round the corner there really isn't alot happening in Roy land. It really doesn't feel very Christmasey at all, mainly due to the bakin hot weather and there not being many decorations up ashore. But I am making up for it with my continued partying!
Went ashore yesterday at 9am on the premise of getting some postcards and finding a net cafe. Thankfully, for a change I managed to do both before everyone else came ashore and dragged me (Kickin' and screaming I might add!) to the local bars. Not a mad one though - was back onboard by 8 in the evening. The heat really does take it out of ya. Strangely this doesn't seem to happen very often back home!
They Seychelles is nice but why anyone in there right mind would pay thousands of pounds to come out here is beyond me. Besides the nice beaches and stunning scenery there isn't that much to do, to be honest, besides sit on the beach admiring the stunning scenery - oh and get a tan! Still its better than credit crunched UK though!
Speaking of the UK I have begun packing in preperation for my big journey home in just 10 days! Oh I am sooooooo excited now. Not long. I hope everyone has booked the Monday off, cos I can see a long party weekend when I am home...
Oh and it Christmas tomorrow!
Life is good.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Seychelles Day 2
Well we finally got to the buoy yesterday and shore leave was granted! Yeah I am in the Seychelles!!! As ever I quickly got changed and msde sure I was (as usual) the first person down the gangway. We chug chugged away for a couply of minutes to the shore on what I would consider the most rickety boat I have ever been on and I am in the RFA - how it floated was beyond me. But one rollercoaster ride of a journey we arrived at the shore, in the not so sunny Seychelles. Its still warm though.
Anyway, straight outside the gate of the port was a nice little bar where we proceeded to have some drinkey drinkey yum yums. The only drawback of this place was that you could see the ship from its windows - you don't travel ashore to be reminded of where you have to live, sleep and work (occasionally). So we left there and proceeded to frequent every bar we could find. But oh no! We have to be back to the port to catch the last boat. Running is not my thing so much coughing, gasping and general exercise later we arrived at the port with about five minutes to spare. But where is the boat? Midnight, quarter past, twenty past, still no boat. Being extremely drunk and just wanting to get back the ship this was becoming rather tiresome. We rang the ship and an hour later what can only be described as a rowing boat came and got us. I wore my life jacket on that thing...
This morning wasn't too bad. I was duty so had to float about looking busy (very good at that - piece of paper in your hand and everyone thinks you are rushed of ya feet) so it passed off quite well. Still got a bit of a headache though - its not the booze, I must be coming down with something (yes its probably withdrawl!).
Off again tomorrow so planning to go ashore and do it all over again.
Will I ever learn?
Saturday, 20 December 2008
We got to the Seychelles in one piece!
We arrived safe and sound at the Seychelles and are currently at anchor. Shore leave isn't granted till tomorrow which means we all have to stay onboard tonight knowing land is only a hop skip and a jump away. But I don't suppose it realy matters. What difference does a day make?
Its meant to be real expensive here, but with me being imune from the so called credit crunch it doens't really bother me. Come all the way to the Seychelles and not enjoy myslef? Never! Oh I am rather excited!
And on another exciting note - I only have 13 days to go. Hurah! I am really looking forward to coming home now - and how home will have changed. The city centre is completely different from when I was last home, hopefully that spider has gone, my home is currently being renovated and I have over three months leave to sample it all!
13 days to go...
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Another day in paradise
Another exciting day passed by with little much happening. I woke up this morning at about ten feeling rather good so decided I may aswell go and do another hour of sunbathing. Its starting to grow on me actually. I don't think I could sit on a beach doing it all day, but walking round the upper deck, with the sea breeze in your face is rather refreshing. As we approach the equator its getting rather warm, so I made sure I didn't stay out too long!
Off to my watch which entailed the usual nothing. And when I say its dead, I mean its dead. Deaderer than dead even. Much web browsing later I had my fire exercise to look forward to. Oh and what a joy it was to behold. Regular readers will will see that my previous efforts at these type of things usually end in either someones death, lots of lost people or me throwing up due to excessive amounts of alcohol the night before. Strangely none of these things happened and it went rather well. It must be cos I am coming home in a few weeks - or perhaps all that sun has gone to my head.
After that too the bar which was surprisingly busy. We are lucky if there are five people in there some nights! But no it was double figures last night. Crazy. We must get a bouncer on the door with one of those clicker things to make sure its safe - healf and safety you know! The bar looks very Christmasey now that I have decorated it (as Mess President its my responsibility to do these things) and we all got into the spirit of the night with a few drinks and some Xmas snacks.
Now I must remember when I am in work next...
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Not long now...
Nothing at all is happening on this heap of junk. I have looked at everything on the internet, twice. And it still wasn't that interesting the second time round. Oh dear... I even ended up sunbathing for two hours today. And I hat sunbathing. Really hate it. But it would be rude to go home paler than when I left all those months ago. Oh how I want to be home soon - luckily I am so I don't know why I am complaining.
They are having a big fire exercise tomorrow which should be a barrel of laughs. Can't wait for that. It usually entials me sending people to the wrong place and then blaming them for not listening to my instructions properly! I will muddle through knowing that once its all over I can go down the bar for a drinkey drinkey yum yum. I haven't been down the bar for days. Dunno why. I think I should and soon. I could even go tonight, but don't thik I will. We will see. Yes see. Ummmm beeeer. See. Resist Roy!
Monday, 15 December 2008
I'm coming home!
I hope everyone is going to be there to meet me. I would prefer banners, a brass band and maybe Granada.
And this is absolutely hilarious - you can;t make stuff like this up: (From the Liverpool Echo)
Clown brings chaos to Merseyrail
A SOUTHPORT woman dressed as a clown drove her car onto a live train track.
The 57-year-old had a lucky escape on Saturday when she ended up on the line at Crescent Road level crossing, Birkdale, Southport.
It is understood the woman, who was wearing a curly blonde wig, painted red cheeks, a green jacket and stripy socks, thought she was turning into Dover Road when she ended up on the track at 5.30pm.
Oh the shame!
See you in a few weeks campers!
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Off we go again!
How rude!
I was expecting to be on a flight some time next week to the oasis of calm that is Liverpool. But nooooooooooo, the ship is desperately needed somewhere to support some other ship doing something. As ever I have to be incredibly vague, but where we are going is going to be ace for Xmas day on the beach and very warm. I am trying my hardest to whinge and wine about it, but its really going to be quite good. So instead of whinging and wineing, I will just drink lots of wine and whinge about the hangover the following day. Nice. I did get an email telling when I was due off the ship, but they don't seemed to have realised we will be at sea. I know they are trying to save money, but making me swim home is taking it a bit far. And what about all those sharks? Well I shouldn't really worry - I would only be good as a toothpick!
Had an ace time in my last port. Got to admit though it was real expensive with the dodgy exchange rate and not alot there, but me being me I can have a party in a fone box with no money! Glad to have left no though. I spent an absoulte fortune. Luckily I am not affected by the credit crunch, so continue to spend spend spend. It would be rude not to.
So as I continue to live the dream, it was announced today we are going to have a BBQ tomorrow on the upper deck. How nice. This usually involves copious amount of alcohol, dodgy BBQ food and a jolly good laugh. Luckily I am off aswell, so don't have to worry about stumbling back to work. Yeah for Roy!
I know its hard to believe from all the fone calls, emails and texts, but I do do some work every now and then. I just hide it well.
Monday, 1 December 2008
I was very ill yesterday
Big mistake.
Upon arriving at the Coffee Shop I immediately had to make the 10 yard dash to the loo's and then threw up, over and over and over again. Classy!
I stumbled back the ship about an hour later only to make numerous more phone calls on the porcelain telephone. I then lay in bed all night feeling very sorry for myself.
I feel ace today though so am going down the bar for one or two, before we sail for a few days. Back in port next week though. Where - nobody knows!
Be good everyone!