Thursday 20 November 2008

You can't make it up!

Well as ever in the RFA things don't go according to plan.

Yesterday they were making me do something called 'work'. Completely shocked and bamboozled by this new phrase, I looked it up in the dictionary and was astounded to find that I should have been doing it for the past few years. One not liking change I have chosen to ignore it.

Anyway, the ship had to do an adandon ship drill (crazily) whilst along side. So they needed two volunteers to go in the life boats and go into the water. Always one for a scive I couldn't resist. Off they go lowering the life boats into the water. Me a few deckies and someone else and drop the boat into the water. Start the engine. Ah but it soesn't seem to work. We began drifting dangerously close to other ships and were about to get the oars out when the wind changed and pushed us back toward the ship. We crashed into the side and were eventually rescues by another boat.

If the ship should ever be sinking I think I will take my chance in the water! One of the other boats has a hole in it so began sinking!

Join the RFA - you know it sounds fun and safe!

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