Saturday, 22 November 2008

I know hell exists - I was there all day yesterday!

Ahoy all!

As ever my life continues to revolve around partying, sunbathing and generally not doind a lot to be honest. But is anyone asks I am working damn hard.

Well on Thursday I decided we should have a big night out. The problem was I was on a half day so dragged on of the girls ashore with me at 12pm, on the premise of doing some shopping. Unfortunately this turned into much drinking, starting at about 2 in the afternoon. Blind drunk by about 7 we thought it would be a really good idea to go clubbing, so stumbled bach the ship, ganged up on a fe of the lads forcing them to go out and went clubbing. Much crazy dancing and drikking later I looked at my watch and it was now 3 in the morning. OH OH! Someone is in work soon. After waiting what felt like an eternity I got to bed at 4 only to have to get back up at 7.

It was not a good start to the day. My mouth tasted like I had eaten a bag of gravel, washed down with a glass of mud and then just for good measure a bit more gravel. Stumbling up to work I made my excuses and went off to find some work. Thats what they thought anyway. I just went back to my cabin and lay on my bed till 10.30. Feeling very, very sorry for myself. Rousing myselrf back to life I went back to work then disappeared on the premise of finding some 'paint' to go and 'paint' something. This meant going back to bed. I woke up at 1245 only to throw up everywhere - not a good start to the afternoon. Then went back the shack and disappeared again. This time though I did find some paint. Didn't paint anything tho - but at least it looked like I was working.

Nearing towards the end of the day I finally thought thank god I can go to bed proper soon. But nooooooooo. Lets throw in a fire exercise and the end of the day. Alarms going off everywhere are not good for someone who has the hangover from hell. Thinking at least this would be a good scive I trundled down the gangway ashore to get out the way. Nooooooo... Chief Engineer comes up to me and tells me he is impressed with the way I run the incident board so would I do it otherwise things that end would fall apart. I grunt of agreement I started doing what I am trained to do. But then I could feel the puke stirring in my stomach. I was gonna throw up everywhere!!! This would not have been a good idea with the Captain, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer all beside me. Cold sweats and a haze of realization that I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold down last nights takeela slammers I nearly thru up, but very clasily swollowed it back down, saving it for the invetiable later. Luckily the exercise finished not much later and I ran back to my cabin and made a phone call on the porcelain telephone. Nice.

I went ashore hoping to feel a bit better, but gave up after half an hour realizing I was neither use nor ornament sitting in a pub feeling sorry for myself.

Feel ace today though!

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