Monday, 17 November 2008

Week One in Bahrain

Well hellow there everyoone - I thought I would update you to all my goings on whilst in Bahrain.

As ever it has been eventful and much drunkedness, but every now and then I do have civilized moments, like now, I have just eaten in a delightful coffee shop and am presently sipping a cup of earl grey. But don't tell anyone - I don't want to damage my reputation!

We arrived over a week ago and on the first night I was one of the first people up the road (obviously) and went straight to the Ex-pat club here in Bahrain. Faaaaaar too much booze later I was cajooled into jumping into the swimming pool, fully clothed. The promptly caused a riot with the management threatening to ban the RFA from the club. Much apologizing later, this calmed down. I think. We then went clubbing. I remember drinking champagne and dancing like a fool (but one who can dance rather well) on some stage somewhere. I arrived back on the ship just before four REALLY looking forward to getting up for work at 7!

Once up and about (I use the term very very loosely) I decided it was in my best interests to probably keep a low profile on Saturday. So I generally pottered about the ship, hiding when anyone with any authority walked by. I stumbleed thru what seemed like the longest fours hours in the world and went to bed at midday. I didn't get up until the following morning. Must have been all that hard work I was doing.

On Sunday I felt it was now safe to go ashore and we got very very drunk again, no pool this time though. On the way back the ship we were in a Yank bus and we invited them all onboard. They couldn't believe we had four bars onboard and compared our ship to a cruise ship. Now I haven't ever been on a cruise ship (some might say my life is one big cruise, but we won't talk about that) but they seemed to think it was. Fools. No wonder we chose not to rule them anymore!!!! They were a real good laugh and by the time they stumbled down the gangway they were very very drunk and we proceeded back ashore to go clubbing. Nooooo idea what time I got back.

The next few days were much of the same, until we sailed for a week, which actually turned out to be 18 hours. Dunno why. I don't think we broke down and I couldn't smell anything burning so it can't have been that. Well anyway we got back into port and proceeded ashore once again. Got very drunk (see the recurring theme here) and stumbled back faaaar to late but still managed to get up for work.

Yesterday was another generally civilized day. I have discovered a luvly coffee shop with wifi which allows me to sit hereb typing this. Tomorrow the Americans are taking me and one of the girld go-karting as a thanks for the ace time onboard RFA Disaster, the followiing day I am going shopping and over the weekend I plan to go to the waterpark. Oh and I might do some work inbetween (but no promises!).

Don't you wish you had a 'job' like me!?

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